Grading Policy:

Major Grades- 50%

Unit Tests, Projects, Formal Writings, Research-Based Products, Projects

Minor Grades- 50%

 Quizzes (vocabulary, reading and skill-based), Small Writing Assignments, Informal Presentations, Classwork, Homework, Notebook Checks, Labs

District Grading Scale:

· A 100 – 90

· B 89 – 80

· C 79 – 70

· D 69 - 60

· F 59 and below

NWMS School-Wide Make-Up Work & Redo Policy

Make-Up Work and Redo Policy

Students are responsible for missed work in the event of an absence. In accordance with District policy, students have 7 days upon returning to school to complete missed work. Missed assignments will be noted in the gradebook as missing until complete. For example, if missing work occurred during the end of Q1 and Q2 has already started and the 7 days allowed overlaps from Q1 to Q2 the work will be accepted during Q2 because the days allowed fall within the 7 days make up time frame. If the 7 days ends on a Saturday or Sunday the assignment will be due the next school day the student is present. Recap: students have 7 days from the absence to submit missing work, no more than 7 days unless admin approval.

Redo Policy

Any student can redo a major test as long as the request is within five school days from the date they received their grade/returned assessment.

Redo attempts should happen outside of class time (i.e.,advisory, tutoring time, Panther Success, etc.

The teacher should receive a parent/guardian signature or phone the parent/guardian prior to the student being granted a redo attempt. A teacher can waive this requirement at their discretion if the parent/guardian is unreachable via phone or does not return a signature granting permission for the test retake.