Mrs. Staton

6th Grade ELA &Social Studies

Contact information:

Phone:  864-355-6907

Email: (preferred and fastest method)

All calls and emails received after 3:45 pm will be returned the next day during my planning periods.

Class Schedule:

1st Period (Advisory):  8:20 to 9:50

2nd Period:  8: 53 to 9:51 Science

3rd Period:  9:54 to 10: 52 Science

4th Period:  10:55 to 12:34 Social Studies

11:41-12:06 **LUNCH**

12:20-12:30 Flex time

5th Period:  12:37-1:35 Social Studies

6th Period:  1:38 to 2:25 --Planning

7th Period:  2:28 to 3:15 --Planning

Extra Help Times:

Friday 3:45 to 4:45

Welcome to team 6-3!  I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone this school year. I hope you will find this website useful throughout the school year!