Parent Information

How can you contact Mrs. Bryant?


Phone: 355-4256


Please note: During the school day all classroom phones go straight to voicemail, so it is easier to get in touch with me through Seesaw or by email. If you do call and leave a message, I will call you back within 24 hours of your voicemail. If an emergency arises and you need to speak with someone immediately, please contact the front office. (355-4200)

Greenville County Schools Grading Scale

A: 100-90

B: 89-80

C: 79-70

D: 69-60

F: 59 and below

You can quickly and easily see updates to your child's weekly grades in Parent Backpack. The process for signing up is easy! Reach out if you need help signing up.

Weekly packets with grades taken in class will be sent home every Friday with a slip to be signed. You will need to return the signed slip, but can keep your child's graded work. Please return their slip acknowledging you have seen their grades by the following Monday. For all graded assignments taken on Google Classroom or other digital platforms, grades will be updated in Backpack.

If you go to SCE Parent Attendance Information you will find information about your student's attendance.

How does our classroom work?

I use a level system to help students learn to manage their behavior in class. Each week, students will bring home a behavior calendar to be signed and sent back to school for the next week. (we use the same calendar for the whole month!) 

Students can earn the rewards or consequences below for following established class rules. 

Bryant Meet Your Teacher 23-24

Is your child new to our class?

Fill out this form to tell me all about them!

Class Newsletter: See Below

August 21-25 Newsletter.pdf