
Welcome to my website!

E-Learning (Corona Virus Shut Down) Info:

Please email me at any time. I will be checking my email daily, during our time away. emclain@greenville.k12.sc.us

Virtual Office Hours: 8-11, 1-3

(864) 355-4462 or (864) 392-3840


A Message From the Principal

May 19, 2020

A Note From the Principal

Blythe year-end student award ceremonies are scheduled for May 29, 2020. Times are indicated below:

  • 8:00 - 4K
  • 9:00 - 5K
  • 10:00 - Grade 1
  • 11:00 - Grade 2
  • 12:00 - Grade 3
  • 1:00 - Grade 4
  • 2:00 - Grade 5

A very special recognition is planned for this year's fifth graders . A Drive Thru Clap Out is scheduled on Friday, May 29 from 5:30 - 6:30 pm for Grade 5 students and families only. Beginning at 5:30 pm, we invite all current Grade 5 students and families to drive through our front driveway for a special recognition and celebration of the 2019-2020 Blythe Fifth Grade Class!!!

In order to protect our students, families, and participating staff members, and to prevent traffic issues on Blythe Drive and Augusta Road, we ask our Blythe families to respect the following guidelines for our Drive Thru Clap Out:

  • Students/families should remain in their cars at all times. No non-GCS employees are allowed in our buildings at this time.
  • Elementary students and families are invited to wear their school shirts or colors.
  • There can be no exchange of items between occupants of cars and school staff members.
  • Please keep traffic moving at a safe speed. Please try to help us prevent traffic back-ups on Augusta Road and Blythe Drive as much as possible.

We are excited to offer this for this year's Fifth Grade Class, and we look forward to making this a memorable event for our students and their families! We hope to see all Grade 5 students and families on May 29 beginning at 5:30 pm.

Information regarding return of student chromebooks and textbooks and pickup of student personal items will be sent within the next few days. Dates for this are June 1-3.

Thank you for your continued support of Blythe Academy!

Sandra E. Griffin, Ph.D.


Blythe Academy of Languages

100 Blythe Drive

Greenville, SC 29605

"Inspiring World Class Learners!"


May 7, 2020

As we move toward the end of the 2019-2020 school year, there are several important pieces of information we want to share with you.

Year-end student awards:

Year-end awards will be given this year. Each teacher is expected to offer an awards ceremony for his/her students. These ceremonies will take place May 29 - June 4. Details will be shared by teachers as soon as plans

are finalized.

Return of student Chromebooks and textbooks, and pick-up of student personal items left in classrooms and student awards:

A detailed schedule for the return of materials and pick-up of personal items will be communicated to you soon. Dates for return and pick-up are June 1-4.

Chromebooks must be fully charged when returned, and the charger should be with the Chromebook.

Yearbooks are scheduled for delivery on June 10. The delay is caused by plant shut-downs due to Covid-19. We will send a phone blast to announce their arrival and instructions for picking them up from school (likely on June 11).

Plan for Collection of Fees:

Plans to be communicated soon.

Dates: June 1-4

At this point, we have refunded all fees paid for scheduled field trips. Please remember that for both the Columbia (Grade 3) and Atlanta (Grade 4) field trips, student and chaperone T-shirts were included in the price. Shirts were already ordered and in our building when our shut down began. These shirts will be sent home in your students' bags in June. Your refund reflects the purchase of the shirt.

Thank you again for all you have done to support your child's learning throughout the Covid-19 school shut down. Thank you also for your positive feedback re. our E-Learning plan. We appreciate you all very much!

Sandra E. Griffin, Ph.D.


Blythe Academy of Languages

100 Blythe Drive

Greenville, SC 29605


eLearning HOMEPAGE for PARENTS: https://www.greenville.k12.sc.us/Parents/main.asp?titleid=elearn

Parents and students: Please check back often for new slides and digital videos to help students refresh their skills during this time away from school.

Please share the Spectrum free Internet offer

"To enroll in the program, call 1-844-488-8395. Installation fees will be waived for new student households."


Slow Chromebooks?????

Contact DISTRICT HELP DESK: 864-355-4357

For students who don't have internet access and in order for them to use Google at home:

Step 2: G Suite users also need to download the Google Docs Offline extension for Chrome Browser, which will allow them to use Google Docs, Sheets, Drive and Slides without online access

Is your child having a hard time sticking to a schedule? Email me and I'll make you one! Or you can make your own using this great resource! Cara at The First Grade Parade, has a set of FREE scheduling cards that are easy to print and use. Pull out the ones you need and display them in the house. When the child has completed the first thing on the schedule, remove it! It's that simple.

Want to know more about how your child learns? Check out this website!