Mrs. Depue
Strengthening Families, Communities and the Economy
Family and consumer science, an applied science, has evolved with society and technology. Today's courses have an emphasis on issues relevant to today’s individuals and families. Teaching skills critical to successful living and working in the 21st century global society.
Spring Schedule 2025
1st Block (8:45-10:20) - Food and Nutrition I
2nd Block (10:25-11:55) - Foods and Nutrition II
3rd Block (11:55-1:30) - Early Child Development
1:35-2:05 Lunch Duty
4th Block (2:10-3:45) - Planning/Lab Prep/Office Hours
3:45-4:00 Office Hours
Mrs. Depue
Career and Technical Instructor
Travelers Rest High School
301 North Main Street
Travelers Rest, SC 29690
Room C122
Feel free to contact me at:
(864) 355-0075
TRHS Mission Statement
We exist to educate students both academically and socially so that they become responsible citizens of our local and global community.
TRHS Grading Policy
All grades for your student will be posted within seven (7) calendar days from the date the assignment/assessment is collected. Major projects and lengthy term papers will have grades posted within fourteen (14) calendar days of collecting the assignment.
Grades Policy/Practices:
Student progress is cumulatively assessed each nine weeks in the following way:
45 Percent: Major Grades - Major Tests, Projects, and Major Writing Assignments
45 Percent: Minor Grades - Formative Assessments, Quizzes
Final exams will count for 10% of the overall course grade
Grading Scale: A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 50-59 (Grades below 50% are marked GFA in the gradebook for Grade
Floor Applied)
Missed Work/Makeup Work Policy
Students should check with the teacher and Google Classroom for missed work. Students should make up their work within 5 days of an excused absence. Long term assignments such as essays or projects, however, are due as originally assigned or immediately upon return. If a student misses a test or quiz, he/she will be responsible for scheduling a time to make up the assessment.
Please see the student handbook for the TRHS missed work/ makeup work policy.