ELA 8 Course Syllabus 

Instructor:  Mr. Mitchell Rapp

E-mail : mtrapp@greenville.k12.sc.us & mrapp@greenvilleschools.us

Phone:  864-355-6900

Class Room: B207

Course Overview:

Students will improve their overall reading skills.   Students will work with software and additional lessons to increase fluency, vocabulary, and overall English language skills.  

Student Expectations:

Students are expected to have their Chromebooks (Charged), pen or pencil, binder, paper, and independent book daily. 

Assignments/Grading Procedures:

Major Grades = 50% Weight – Includes Tests, Projects

Minor Grades = 50% Weight – Quizzes, In-Class Writings, Daily Assignments

*Grades may be accessed through Powerschool.  Make sure you have your username and password.  Please see your counselor for details.  Powerschool updates in real time, so your information stays accurate.

Primary Resource:

Chromebook, Google Classroom

Classroom Rules & Expectations:

Parental Involvement:

I will be happy to discuss your student’s grades, work ethic, behaviors, and future plans!  Feel free to email me anytime at mtrapp@greenville.k12.sc.us

Student Sig:_________________         Parent/Guardian Sig:___________________