Woodmont High School

Spanish 2 CP Course Syllabus

Sr. Parreirinha

Phone: 864-355-2595     Room:114

Course Description: This course is the second level of Spanish study and is designed to immerse students in the Spanish language and culture of the different Spanish speaking countries.  Students will develop the ability to communicate in the five modes of communication: Interpretive Listening and Reading, Interpersonal Communication, Presentational Speaking and Writing, Investigation of Cultural Products and Practices, Understanding of Cultural Perspectives and Participation in Cultural Interaction. 

Units of Study:

Method of Instruction: Lessons will include teacher and/or student presentations using interactive white board, discussions, videos, digital storytelling (TPRS), and project based learning. Students will read short stories, articles, and conduct presentations.   

Required Materials: The following materials are required daily:

Grading: A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F below 60

Major assignments = (60%) Minor assignments = (40%)

Students’ progress will be evaluated through class notes, projects, quizzes, recordings, technology-based assignments, written and oral class activities, homework and participation in cultural activities.

Missed Work: When absent, students are responsible to complete missed work. Check Google Classroom for assignments. 

Late Work: Students will lose 10 points for each day that they are late with assignments. Work will not be accepted after 5 school days unless excused by administration. 

Student Responsibilities:

Cheating: Students involved in cheating will receive a zero for the assignment.  This grade will be given to both the student cheating and any person(s) who assisted the student.  Copying any assignment or any portion of any assignment from another student’s paper, and/or allowing someone else to copy, under any circumstance, is cheating.  

Breaking Class Rules:

1st Offense: Warning

2nd Offense: Parents/guardians will be notified. 

3rd and After: Referral written.  The student will be sent to the office. Parents/guardians will be notified.

Severe Disruption: Admin/SRO will be notified and the student will be escorted out of the classroom immediately. Parents/guardians will be notified.

Attendance:  Students are to be seated when the bell rings. Late arrivals will be marked tardy. 

After School Tutoring: 4:00 to 4:30 PM Monday to Thursday - Appointments should be made the day prior.