

Expectations for the class include:

Class Rules

1. Do not disrupt the learning process. This includes sleeping, talking, throwing things, watching videos on your device, eating, grooming, etc. 

2. Everyone will be treated with respect (students & teacher). Treat others as you would want to be treated (“The Golden Rule”). Refrain from teasing, name calling, and leave other students property alone. 

3. Remain in your seat unless you have been given permission to move around the room. 

4. ABSOLUTELY NO PHONES and/or EARBUDS, unless you are directed by the teacher to use them. 

5. All other rules in the school student handbook apply. 

Consequences For Breaking Rules


1. First Offense- Warning (**Exception** 1st offense phone violation is immediate referral. District Policy)

Warning given through hand signal/ look. Will also get a verbal warning if necessary. Only get one Warning

2. Second Offense- Separation

Separation from group/table.

3. Third Offense- Student/Teacher Conference

Meet with student to go over rules and procedures in the classroom and make sure they fully understand what they are doing wrong.

4. Fourth Offense- Contact parent

Call/Email/Send Letter to parent to ask if they can have a conference with them about their child.

5. Fifth Offense- Office Referral

Send to office so they may give the correct punishment (after school detention, ISS, or OSS).

Cell Phone Policy

Automatic referral for any visible Cellphone, Earbuds, Airpods, Headphones, etc. upon enterring the classroom. **District Policy**


Grading Scale

A: 90-100

B: 80-89

C: 70-79

D: 60-69

F: 59 and below 

Google Classroom

All assignments, test/quiz, and important classroom announcements will be made in Google Classroom. It is the students responsibility to check Google Classroom daily.

1st Block: Smith Civics

2nd Block: Smith Psychology/Sociology

3rd Block: Planning

4th Block: Smith Civics