Welcome Teachers! I'm so excited that you are interested in a flipped classroom format. Please feel free to email me at mecampbell@greenville.k12.sc.us if you have any questions. I'm always happy to talk about how to make the flip!

Things you'll find on this webpage:

*Updated Presentation (June 2020)! If you would like a recording of the presentation, please email me and I will send you the link to view.

*The Daily 3+ checklist is what I use to keep track of student selections. As I call out numbers, the students tell me their choices and immediately begin to gather their materials and start round 1.

*The Daily Schedule is what my classroom looked like one year. For rotations to work, I prefer 2 hrs of unbroken time, and I do my best to match this time to when all my pull outs/push ins happen.

*The Weekly schedule is what I keep on my clipboard to stay on track each day. This is NOT my lesson plans (those are by unit, and I keep them in my daily folder on my table), but this is a guide for what part of each unit is being covered each day of the week, and is great for a quick glance.

*The directions for recording are for using ActivInspire. There are many options for recording, but I used this format simply because my lessons were already in the flipchart, so I just clicked record, and started talking. See the presentation for some other options. You could also record through zoom or google meet.

*The Beginning of the Year notes for Launching Blended Learning in your classroom are what I used to set up and cover all topics for the first 4 days of school. I used them almost as a checklist to make sure I covered all the things to successfully launch the flipped classroom.

*The example substitute plans are there for you to use as a template if desired for how to explain a flipped classroom and blended learning environment to substitute teachers.

Website version-Blended Learning in the Elementary Classroom
week 2 aug 22-26.pdf
Daily 3+ checklist
Begin Year Notes using Daily 5
sub plans with flipped lessons
daily schedule 2017-2018 parent copy.pdf
how to do recordings with activinspire.docx