Senior Walks

Mauldin Elementary

Any former Mauldin Elementary School students out there that are graduating high school this year and want to participate in our Senior Clap Out on Thursday May 16th at 1:15 pm? If so, go to MES website to fill out the Google form to sign up! We’d love to see as many former Mauldin Mighty Eagles as possible!

Mitchell Road Elementary is having its "Senior Walk" and we would love to have seniors that attended its school come to back to Mitchell Road dressed in their cap in gown and walk the halls for a parade.  Our students and teachers  will be cheering along . We love this event and especially love seeing our former students all grown up. 

We have scheduled this event for Thursday , May 16th at 1:15.

Bethel Elementary May 16th at 8:00am

TEK graduation walk (1).pdf