
Employability Education I, II, III, IV

Employability Education I- Career Awareness and Exploration

The Employability Education I course is designed for students to explore interests, research careers, create resumes, practice interview skills, and conduct informational interviews and job shadows. This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental attitudes, behaviors, and habits needed to obtain and maintain employment and make career advancements. Students will participate in school-based learning activities including work ethic development, job-seeking skills, decision-making skills, and self-management. Students will begin a career portfolio as part of the requirements for the South Carolina High School Credential. Formal career planning and development of knowledge regarding transition planning begins in this course and continues throughout the strand of the employability education courses.

Employability Education II- Advanced Awareness and Exploration

The Employability Education II course is designed to develop skills generic to all career majors; resource management, communication, interpersonal relationships, technology, stamina, endurance, safety, mobility skills, motor skills, teamwork, sensory skills, problem solving, cultural diversity, information acquisition/management, and self-management. This course content is focused on providing students with a repertoire of basic skills that will serve as a foundation for future career application. Students will expand their school-based learning activities to include school-based job shadowing and work-based learning activities. Job seeking skills also will be refined. Students may be involved in on-campus vocational training activities such as school-based enterprises, hands-on vocational training in career education courses and the operation of school-based enterprises. Additionally, the course will continue the focus on the development of self-determination skills as well as the career portfolio.

Employability Education III- Career Development

The Employability Education III course is designed to continue the development and begin the application of employability skills. Work-based learning activities are provided including school-based enterprises, community-based training, job shadowing, job sampling, internships, situational assessment and apprenticeships. These work-based activities allow students to apply employability skills to a variety of employment settings and demonstrate the effectiveness of their work personality. Multiple opportunities for leadership and self-determination development are provided.

Employability Education IV- Advanced Career Development

The Employability Education IV course gives students the opportunity to synthesize all the skills acquired in previous employability preparation courses and apply them to their personal career choice. This course allows students to solve work-related problems, practice self-advocacy skills and master the theoretical and practical aspects of their career choice. Students finish completing the 360 hours of work-based learning/training opportunities that are required for successful completion of the South Carolina High School Credential Course of Study. Students will complete the career portfolio that provides an educational and vocational record of their credential experience.

Procedures and Expectations

Each day, students are expected to come to class and be prepared to start their daily journal when the bell rings. In addition, the following are the list of things students can expect of me and what I expect of them.

Assignments: In class assignments should be completed the day they are assigned. If the assignments are not finished, students will be allowed to finish the in-class assignment for the next class.


Cell phones are allowed in hallways during class change, but are not allowed in the classroom, except with the permission of the teacher. Students are allowed to wear headphones/earphones in the building with one ear free. Students are not allowed to wear headphones/earphones in the classroom without teachers’ permission.

***The Administration will take appropriate disciplinary action.

Exams/Tests/ Quizzes:

Major assignments will count as 60% of the student's grade with minor assignments counting 40% of the grade, composed of classwork and homework.

Grading Criteria:

100-90 = A

89 - 80 = B

79 – 70 = C

69 – 60 = D

59 and below = F

Course Requirements: Students are expected to come to class prepared, on time, and with a mind to participate

Attendance Policy: Daily attendance is required to successfully pass this course. However, in the event that an emergency arises, please contact the main office to report a student’s absence.

Tardy Policy:

1. A tardy consists of any time a student is late for class. A student who arrives late to school or class is tardy. All teachers will close their doors to begin instruction when the tardy bell rings.

2. Any student who is tardy to school after 8:45AM must go to the attendance office to obtain a pass. If a student does not attend at least half of any class, the student will be counted absent.

3. Students who are not in class when the tardy bell rings, will report directly to that class. Students will be allowed three (3) tardies. On the 4th and 5th tardies students will be assigned detention by the teacher.

4. Teachers will write a referral on the 6th tardy and any tardy beyond 6. All tardies beyond the 7th may result in suspension from school.

5. The following are acceptable as “excused tardy” 1. Medical appointment (must have a note from doctor) 2. Court appearance (must have a note from court) 3. Late bus (must have a note from the attendance office) 4. A signed agenda from administration, guidance, SRO, or mental health staff.

***The Administration reserves the right to revoke parking passes if tardies become excessive.

Homework Policy: Homework will be given periodically. It is the student's responsibility to complete the assignment on time.

Make Up Work Policy: Make up work should be completed within 5 days of the original assignment due date.

Classroom Routines & Procedures:

1. Quietly come into class, take out materials needed, and daily questions.

2. If help is needed, please raise your hand and wait for help.

3. Stay at your desk unless given permission to leave.

4. If after 8:45, the student must go to the attendance office to get Late Slip.