All About Me

Welcome to my Website. I'm glad you are visiting!  

I am so excited to be back in second grader again!  I taught third grade, virtually, during the pandemic, and prior to that,   I had the pleasure and honor of serving as the Instructional Coach at Buena Vista for seventeen years.   Prior to working as the IC, I taught third grade at another school in the district.    Each summer, I work in the Science P.L.U.S Program at Roper Mountain Science Center.  This will be an exciting year full of learning opportunities for students, parents, and teachers.  

I willingly admit to being a Yankee by birth but a Southerner by choice.  I was born in Buffalo, NY, and have lived all over the northeast.  I attended McGill University in Montreal (BA, 1984,  Political Science and History) and Converse College in Spartanburg (M.Ed, 1992).  I am Nationally Board Certified (MCG).  Most importantly, I love my job and wake up eager to come to work each morning!

I have an adult daughter named Morgan who has been married for about 5 years.  She managed to sneak her wedding in just before the pandemic caused everything to lock down. She and her husband, Nick, gave me my first grandchild in January of 2021.   Everett is now three and is an absolute joy.   Grandbaby #2, Declan, arrived in March of this year.  My heart is full! 

I have a "pound puppy" named Zoey.  She weighs about 65 pounds and turns into a big, fat baby when there is thunder and lightning near our home. I'm sure I will tell Zoey stories often.

 I have recently moved to a maintenance-free neighborhood in Greer after having lived in downtown Greenville for 20+ years.  I enjoy all things outdoors: hiking, camping, boating, and gardening.  I love to curl up with a good book, and  I've also added babysitting to my list of favorite activities!

My sweet Everett finally got a haircut, and he graduated to the "BIG" bathtub!  Splashing mom is sooo much fun!  :)

Big Brother Everett says, "He's MY Baby!"

YEAH!  A "share-worthy" picture of baby Declan, chilling at the pool last summer!

Your children gave me suggestions for shoes they thought Everett would like.  He has been refusing to take off his yellow rain boots, so I wanted to find a replacement pair for him.  He LOVES his new light up shoes!  Thanks for your help, Cool Kids!!!

Holiday Jammies for a sleepover with cousins in Ohio!  

Declan, my youngest grandson, celebrated his 1st birthday during Easter Week.   Here is the obligatory cake and frosting picture!