8:45-10:15 MATH

Students will learn functional math skills which will include calendar skills, money, time and schedules, basic calculations and how to use a calculator.  We will also use UNIQUE curriculum to support this instruction as well as Boom Learning.

Students will learn and practice skills needed in the work place, helpful information skills, telephone skills and skills needed for working in a restaurant, store or office.  Students will explore different career and vocational opportunities as well as train for our school based business.

In addition to career and transition skills, students will be learning how to utilize resources on their Chromebooks to access instruction and other activities.

10:20-11:55 PLANNING

Mrs. Sinclair's planning period. Students will be in their elective classes during this time.

12:00-12:30 LUNCH

Students will eat first lunch in the cafeteria.

12:35-2:05 Career Prep/Technology

Students will be demonstrating hands-on work tasks and other work-place skills to increase their independence. Students will also be learning technology skills.

2:10-3:40 Life Skills & Leisure

Students will learn daily living skills such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, nutrition, hygiene, personal care and other skills to help them function independently in their daily lives.  Each student will be assigned classroom chores to complete each day. We have a full kitchen that we will use daily to prepare meals and snacks, wash dishes, and perform basic laundry tasks as well as a Life Skills Lab.

Students will learn to identify hobbies and recreation of interest.  We will explore a variety of hobbies, games, art, and music. Students will also learn appropriate social skills needed to interact with others. Students will earn "Leisure Bucks" for completing chores and work tasks independently throughout the week. On Fridays, students get "paid" with leisure bucks in their wallets and students can use these to pay for different leisure items and games during this class period.