Extra Tidbits

Procedures for 

Non-Instructional Routines

ID badges:  Each student will be provided one ID Badge with a lanyard.  It will be worn ALL DAY at school.  It comes home with your child and returns every morning.  A $5 fee will apply for students missing it.  It might be a good idea to place it in your child's backpack every evening to ensure that it gets back to school.  

Morning Routine: Students enter the building in the morning at the front entrance beginning at 7:00.  If your child eats breakfast, they will go directly there first.  The students will walk silently down to the hallway and go to the classroom with the sign that says "Morning Classroom" outside the door.  Students are dismissed at 7:30 to their own classroom for morning routine. 

When they arrive in the classroom, children complete the following procedures:

Take out Blue Froggy Folder.

Hang book bag on hook.

Place the Blue Froggy Folder in basket.

Sit at assigned seat at table.

BVTV begins at 7:45.  

The teacher takes attendance and begins the instructional day.

Money: Inside your child's Blue Froggy Folder, there will be a plastic bag that will transport all money between home and school.  A receipt log is enclosed and must be filled out so that we know where money is to go and ensure that we have received it.  Please make sure that school, lunch and PTA money are separate as they are receipted differently.

Restroom Breaks: Students may go to the restroom without asking permission when they are working independently. They need to raise their hand and ask for permission if working with whole class. Students will be encouraged to use the restroom either before or after lunch.

Movement in the Classroom: Movement is incorporated into classroom instruction to keep students brains active and engaged.  We primarily use Go Noodle, which has a great variety of energizing and relaxing activities that are approximately 3 minutes each.  Several activities are chosen throughout the day.

Lunch: Students will wear id badge and it will also act as a debit card for your child to purchase a school lunch.  All money should be sent in the labeled bag money bag with your child’s name on it.  You will be notified if the lunch balance is depleted.  You can also go on our school website to add money to your child’s account with a credit card under School Bucks.  Students are offered chocolate/white milk or water with each meal.  I will send home a copy of the lunch schedule, but it can also be found on the school website.  Manners are expected during lunch. Students will be allowed to purchase extra snacks on Wednesday only.  Please let him/her know if they are allowed that day to purchase.  Again, you can send cash or make sure there is money on the lunch account.  If your child has any allergies, please provide a doctor’s note to the school.

Here is the list of snacks and cost:

Ice Cream - $1.50

Switch - $1.35

Water - $1.25

Rice Krispie Treats - $1.00

Chips - $0.85

Gummies - $0.85

Cookies - $0.65

Recess: Recess lasts for approximately 20 minutes each day. The teacher carries a Walkie-Talkie out to the playground in the event there is an emergency.  If there is inclement weather, students will watch educational video or do fun centers.

Snacks: You will need to provide a daily healthy small snack from home.  Snack time will be approximately 10 minutes.  Only water can be sent in for cleaning purposes.  Please send snack in separate labeled bag.  Students get easily confused if they have it inside their lunchbox.  

Fire/Tornado/Earthquake/Safety Drills: Procedures for these drills are practiced throughout the year.

Pack Up Procedures:  Any school information and paperwork collected throughout the day in class will be placed in the Blue Froggy Folder.  Please make sure to check your child's folder every night for important information from me or the school.  Classwork will be sent home on Tuesdays.

Dismissal Procedures:

Students will be escorted to the designated holding areas for front and back path walkers, car riders, bus riders, daycare van riders, and after school care.  Don’t forget to send in signed notes for any change in transportation.