Rules and Expectations

Students are expected to follow the Hollis Code of Conduct and PBIS Matrix throughout the school day. This will be reviewed at the beginning of the school year and throughout the year when necessary. I will also be following Hollis’ clip chart behavior system that they use in their classrooms. Following are the Classroom Matrix and the Code of Conduct:

Classroom Matrix


Manage your materials and belongings

Follow your teacher’s directions

Complete assignments


Be polite to others

Be an active listener

Keep hands, feet, and objects to self


Enter the classroom quietly and on time

Line up quickly and quietly

Code of Conduct

I am responsible for myself, my actions, and my choices. I always come prepared to learn. I will respect everyone in our school with my speech and actions. I will follow directions politely the first time they are given. I will keep my hands, feet, and all objects to myself.

Behavior System

When students exhibit positive behavior, they will be rewarded. Growls, bones, and/or stickers will be given to students who exhibit positive behavior. Two students per week will also receive a positive note home.

When students are caught being responsible, respectful, and/or ready in any area listed on the matrix, they can be given a bone card. Once students meet the following benchmarks they will be awarded these prizes:

Every 10 bones = prize of the week

Every 25 bones = lunch at the Husky Den (on the stage) with a buddy

Every 50 bones = bracelet

Every 70 bones = Dog tag

Every 100 bones = T-Shirt (or other TBA)

If one of the rules is broken, students will receive one verbal warning. If the student continues to break the rules, he/she will be asked to “clip down” in his/her homeroom using the same number system/clip chart that is utilized in the general education classrooms. On this chart, students start each day in the middle of the chart and they can clip up for great behavior or down for breaking rules. If a student were to clip down in the ESOL classroom, he/she would move his/her clip accordingly upon returning to the grade-level classroom. Students will be given the chance to clip back up for positive behavior. The consequences for failure to follow the rules will align with the consequences that are already established in each student’s grade-level classroom. Some possible consequences are: silent lunch, walking laps at recess, or parent contact.