Virtual Students

Class Rules

  1. Be Respectful-- to me, to each other and to yourself

  2. Be ready-- come to virtual class every day, have all of your materials ready, have a ready to learn attitude, keep a consistent schedule

  3. Be responsible-- keep unnecessary, profane, or unkind comments to yourself during Google Meets and in all communications with me and your peers


  • Fill out Attendance Form Everyday Monday-Friday (All Students)

  • Use Google Meets as needed for help

  • You do NOT have to login at specific times for Google Meets for this class. Attendance forms and work are what count towards your grade.

  • Complete and turn in all assignments during open window (sometime between when they are assigned and the due date).

  • I will do my best to respond to emails on same day or no longer than 24 hours later Monday-Friday.


  • Fill out new Attendance Google Form everyday YOU HAVE 24 HOURS!

  • Time Stamp must match the date of the attendance form. (ie. Cannot fill out day(s) before or days(s) after)

Virtual Learning Expectations

  • Assignments-- You are expected to view all videos and slides posted and complete all of the assignments in Google Classroom. You should also attend all Google Meets LIVE when possible, especially if you have any questions or concerns about the class.

  • Behavior-- while attending Google Meets, you should be dressed appropriately, turn off background noises, mute yourself unless you are directly talking to the teacher, and pay attention to the discussion. Never use profanity, inappropriate or offensive comments in discussions or chats.

  • Grading-- Virtual learning WILL NOT be based on participation like it was in the Spring. Your work will count for ACCURACY and completion and will be counted toward your average.

  • Office Hours-- I will be available for live Google Meets Monday-Thursday during our class times:

  • You will be given daily work, tutorial videos, etc during the entire class period. The Google Meets are for live question and answer sessions.