In Person Students


As a high school student, expectations and student responsibilities are different than those of students in middle school. As you move up through the grade levels, expectations and student responsibilities continue to change. Part of my job is to help you navigate these.

I expect great things from each student that enters my class. You may be wondering what that looks like. When you arrive to class on time, I expect you to have all necessary materials with you, that includes a charged Chrome book. You will be responsible for keeping up with your assignments and grades in order to achieve success in all your mainstream classes. You will need to learn to manage your priorities as well. As you may or may not know, JL Mann is a Bring Your Own Device school. However, that does not mean you will have your phone/device out in class...unless I have given you permission to use it for educational purposes only. The school's BYOD policy will be followed in all school settings, including my class.

Classroom Rules and Consequences:


Remain engaged without disruption.

Treat all classroom equipment and supplies with respect.

Show respect to others through actions and demeanor.

Arrive to class prepared and on time.

Reserve food and drink for the cafeteria.


1st: Verbal warning

2nd: Parent Contact

3rd: Parent Conference

4th: Written disciplinary notice to appropriate administrator

Grading Scale: A, 100-93; B, 92-85; C, 84-77; D, 76-70; F, 69-below