Geometry CP Syllabus

Instructor:  Josh Porter

Course Title:  Algebra 2 CP


Room:  B219

Phone: 355-6654 (voice mail)

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 3:45 PM-4:15 PM


My Schedule:

Fall:                                                           Spring:

1st Block - Planning                     1st Block - Algebra 2 CP

2nd Block - Precalculus H              2nd Block - Planning   

3rd Block - Algebra 2 CP                 3rd Block - Geometry CP

4th Block -Precalculus H               4th Block - Geometry CP


Course Description

The prerequisite for Geometry is Algebra I.  This year long virtual course will further develop mathematical reasoning skills as well as an understanding of geometric properties of two and three-dimensional figures.


Required Materials:


Classroom Expectations:

1.    Be on time.  Students should be seated and ready to work when the bell begins to ring. 

2.    Be prepared.  Come to class daily with all required materials, including a charged Chromebook and completed assignments.

3.    Be respectful.  Students are expected to act respectfully to other students and the teacher.  This includes refraining from disruptive behavior, inappropriate language, remaining seated in your assigned seat and following directions from the teacher.  Students should also keep the classroom neat and clean.

4.    Be involved in class.    Your success in this class depends heavily on your participation and involvement in classroom activities.  Students should refrain from actions that prevent active participation in class, such as sleeping and doing work from other classes.


All Policies in the Student Handbook will be enforced.



First offense, verbal warning.                                    

Second offense, parent contact.  

Third offense, detention.

Thereafter, administrative referral.


Grading Policy/Practices:

60% Major Grades (Tests, Projects)         30% Minor Grades (Quizzes, Activities)  10% Homework (Weekly Assignments)


SC Grading Scale:

A: 90-100       B: 80-89        C: 70-79                     D: 60-69        F: 51-59


Missed Work/Make Up Policy: School policy


Tardy Policy:  School policy


Textbook: South Carolina Carnegie Learning


Course Outline


Quarter 1:


Coordinate Geometry


Segment Measures

Angle Measures


Parallel Lines

Congruent Triangles


Quarter 2:



Similar Triangles

Special Right Triangles



2D and 3D Figures

This syllabus is subject to change in order to meet the needs of the students.