Welcome! I'm so glad you are here! Technology Integration can be a great and wonderful journey. Let's travel together and have a grand adventure!!

From The Archives...

Remember Google Slides Learning Scenes? This was one of my absolute favorite sessions to present. Go for a blast from the past and check it out!

Summer of Tech: Google Slides Learning Scenes (2020-06-22 at 11:03 GMT-7)

Check out our Instructional Technology Department Video Library for ready to go sessions on technolgy tools and how to use them in your classrooms!

At some point during our stay at home time of the pandemic, I was referred to a Facebook page of educators looking for other educators to collaborate on a Learning Around the United States Google Slides project. My #learnerstrength kicked into overdrive and I jumped on board to share facts about South Carolina. I quickly found myself staying up very late for a couple of nights gathering facts and creating my portion of the slides presentation.  Others jumped at the opportunity as well and before we knew it, the project went global with educators from around the world collaborating on this one document. Over 200 educators across the globe in one google slide presentation and we all got along! Take a look at the finished project. At the time of this posting, my slide is around page 71. Enjoy!

P.S.- It's a HUGE file. Be patient while it loads.

April 2021 Learning Around The World