
Reduce: Using a system for students to pour out liquids and then recycle milk and juice cartons, Tap & Stack, Using Reusable Lunch Boxes & Containers, Donating Lost & Found to Charities

WHAT STUDENTS WILL LEARN (Standards): Students will learn about the difference they can make by reducing trash through reduction.

1.E.4B.2 Obtain and communicate information to explain ways natural resources can be conserved (such as reducing trash through reuse, recycling, or replanting trees).

WHAT STUDENTS WILL DO: Students will promote the concepts of tapping and stacking, using reusable lunch boxes and containers, and donating lost and found items to a local agency to reduce the amount of material that is trashed. Students will measure and keep records on the difference in the amount of trash before implementing our new system of pouring out liquids in order to recycle milk and juice cartons, as well as aluminum cans and plastic bottles. We will continue tapping and stacking when washable trays are not used.

HOW STUDENTS WILL TEACH OTHERS: Students will promote the reduction of trash through morning announcements and posters throughout the school

Reuse: Reuse paper, plastic bottles, and paper towel tubes for projects.

WHAT STUDENTS WILL LEARN (Standards): Students will use their knowledge of principles and elements of design to create art work from paper, plastic bottles, and paper towel tubes. Students will learn that by reusing everyday materials in an innovative way, they can limit waste going into landfills and other environmental areas.

South Carolina Visual Art Stands 1.3, 1.5, 2.3, 3.1, 5.1, and 6.1 for fifth grade.

WHAT STUDENTS WILL DO: Students will drawn observations from works of arts and will use scrap paper, plastic bottles, paper towel tubes and other items to create works of art and will display and share these works of art around the school.

HOW STUDENTS WILL TEACH OTHERS: A brief project explanation by the students will accompany the works to inspire other students to collect and reuse materials.

Recycle: Recycle cardboard, paper, plastic and aluminum.

WHAT STUDENTS WILL LEARN (Standards): Students will:

1.E.4B.2 Obtain and communicate information to explain ways natural resources can be conserved (such as reducing trash through reuse, recycling, or replanting trees).

1.E.4B.2 (c) Identify objects that could be recycled.

WHAT STUDENTS WILL DO: Students will be involved in the collection and sorting of items to be recycled (cardboard, paper, plastic, aluminum). Each classroom and office has recycling containers and students collect those containers and take to recycling. Students will promote a goal to eliminate as much "trash" as possible and to increase the amount of recycling.

HOW STUDENTS WILL TEACH OTHERS: Students will promote recycling through posters throughout the school, announcements on the morning news. Recycling will be promoted at school, but also will be promoted as a lifestyle away from school. The goal is for students and families to not only recycle at school, but to also promote recycling with their families and friends.

Separating liquids, recycyclables and trash...then stacking trays.

Reusing Material for Artwork

Environmental classroom leaders empty items to go to recycling.