Policies and Expectations

Responsible Use Procedures • 2018-2019

GCSD Acceptable Use Policy (Sections I, III, IV)

Greenville County School District encourages students to use a variety of technologies to enhance their learning. To ensure the privacy and safety of our students, and to protect data and our resources, we ask parents and students to become familiar with policy and regulations that have been established for technology use in the district.

Misuse of Chromebooks has the potential to earn disciplinary consequences such as, but not limited to, lunch detentions, after-school detentions, In-School Suspensions, and Out-of-School Suspensions, as well as loss of Chromebook privileges.

Students must:

  1. Respect and protect their privacy and the privacy of others.
      • Use only assigned accounts and keep passwords secret.
      • Keep personal information -- such as name, address, phone number, etc. -- offline.
      • Have permission from the classroom teacher or administration to photograph or videotape other individuals and to subsequently post these images or videos to the internet.
  2. Respect and protect the integrity, availability, and security of all electronic resources.
      • Observe all network security practices.
      • Treat digital technologies with care; report any damages, security risks, or violations to a teacher or administrator.
      • Log in with a personal Google account to download purchased apps for yourself or other students.
  3. Respect and protect the copyrighted/intellectual property of others.
      • Cite all sources appropriately.
      • Follow all copyright laws.
      • Use school issued electronic devices appropriately to assure academic integrity.
  4. Respect and practice the principles of community.
      • Communicate only in ways that are kind, responsible, respectful and lawful.
      • Use school issued electronic devices for academic purposed only.
      • Limit the use of Greenville County School District email for school-related email and projects.
      • Report threatening or offensive materials to a teacher or administrator.
  5. Respect the property of Greenville County Schools.
      • Do not loan the Chromebook to friends or family members.
      • Do not disassemble the Chromebook
      • Do not leave the Chromebook in an insecure location or near water/food.
      • Do not download unapproved apps or extensions without receiving permission.
      • Do not remove student ID label from Chromebook and/or charger.
      • Do not delete or change school installed settings from a Chromebook.
      • Do not adjust setting on someone else's Chromebook.
      • Do not leave the Chromebook at home.

Chromebook Misuse & Disciplinary Actions


Conduct warranting disciplinary action includes but is not limited to:

  • Downloading unapproved apps without teacher permission
  • Leaving your Chromebook unattended
  • Removal of your student ID label from your Chromebook and/or charger
  • Deleting or changing school-installed settings from a Chromebook
  • Lack of adequate care for your Chromebook, charger, etc
  • Adjusting settings on someone else's Chromebook
  • Adding a credit card to a Google Account (Google Wallet) to purchase music or unapproved apps
  • Logging in under your personal Google account to download purchased apps for yourself or another student(s)
  • Leaving your Chromebook at home
  • Loaning your student device to other students inside or outside of school
  • Multiple damage instances caused by lack of care for your Chromebook and other peripheral devices