G+ & Careers

Fountain Inn Elementary, along with all Greenville County Schools, has adopted "Graduation Plus: Building a Better Graduate -- Creating Career and College Ready Students."

Graduation Plus is a district-wide initiative from Pre-K through High School to ensure all students are college and career ready. This means that all students can graduate with a high diploma PLUS a certificate or college credits.

Elementary (Grades K-5) Component:

Building Strong Foundations, Initial Career Exposure  

• Career Awareness Programs 

• Student Interest Inventories 

• Business Partnerships (Mentoring, Guest Speakers, Field Trips) 

• Summer and Extended Day Programs 

• All Students Reading on Grade Level by End of 2nd Grade

16 Career Clusters:

(1) Agriculture, food, and natural resources: Produce agricultural goods, market, sell, or finance agricultural goods.

(2) Architecture and construction: Work on buildings and other structures, carpentry, painting, plumbing, electrical, create and design plans, etc.

(3) Arts, audio-video technology, and communications: Performer or artist, painters, dancers, sculptors, actors, and singers, set designers, editors, broadcast technicians, and camera operators.

(4) Business, management, and administration: Provide support needed to make a business run, check employee time records, train new employees, or work as a top executive and provide the overall direction for a company or department.

(5) Education and training: Guide and train people, teacher, counselor, librarian, coach, principal, etc.

(6) Finance: Keep track of money, financial planning, banking, or insurance.

(7) Health science: Physician, dentist, nurse, lab technicians, etc.

(8) Hospitality and tourism: Work in a restaurant, resort, sports arena, theme park, museum, hotel or assist people in obtaining vocations or entertainment needs.

(9) Human services: Assist individual and families meet their personal needs, work in a government office, hospital, nonprofit agency, nursing home, spa, hotel, or school.

(10) Information technology: Work with computer hardware, software, multimedia, network systems, design new computer equipment or work on a new computer game.

(11) Law, public safety, and security: Police officer, security guard, firefighter, etc.

(12) Manufacturing: Design a new product, decide how the product will be made, make the product, work on cars, computers, appliances, airplanes, or electronic devices.

(13) Government and public administration: Pass and enforce the laws at; local, national, and state government.

(14) Marketing, sales, and service: Help businesses sell products, advertise and promote products, sell products and services to customers.

(15) Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics: Scientific research in laboratories, plan or design products and systems, support scientists, mathematicians, or engineers.

(16) Transportation, distribution, and logistics: Move people and products by road, air, rail, and water, driver, pilot, engineer, or captain, mechanic.