AP Extra Credit

3rd Quarter Extra Credit for 2020 (I need a printed copy of your responses by the end of the school day on March 13th)

Read one of the following sections from the National Geographic Future of Food Issue and complete the assignment listed below


A Five Step Plan to Feed the World

The Next Breadbasket

The New Face of Hunger

The Evolution of Diet

The Next Green Revolution


(Based on your chosen section of the article)

Part 1: Write 5 multiple choice questions relating to the article (include an answer key for the MC)

Part 2: Write a 5 step FRQ (parts A-E) that includes at least 3 different directives (refer to half sheet for common FRQ directives (ex: "Explain", "Define"...)

*You do NOT need to write out answers for the FRQ*

*You may complete this EC with a partner (no more than 2 people working together)

Remember that I need a printed copy of your questions once finished!

2nd Quarter EC for 2019-2020- Must be posted by the end of school December 13th

Complete one of the following options- you may work with up to two other people. Completion will add one point to your overall 2nd quarter grade

Option 1

Create an AP Human related meme. You may work with a partner! The meme MUST be original! If I can easily find it or something similar to it online then you will not get credit. After you create the meme you must post it to the APHG Meme and Tik Tok Classroom page (join with code k7kysmu) and get at least one other person (NOT in your group) to comment on it

Use the following template to get you started. *(Note- you can use other generators or other pictures- you are not limited to this template) APHG Meme Generator

Option 2

Film a Tik-Tok style video (no more than 15-20 seconds long- and has to be filmed OUTSIDE of school) and relate it to an AP Human topic or this class in general. You may make a parody of existing videos and just make them AP Human themed. Save it to your camera roll then post it to the APHG Meme and TikTok Classroom (join code above in option 1)- if that doesn't work upload it to YouTube then post that link to the class stream. After that get at least one other person (NOT in your group) to comment on it

1st Quarter Extra Credit 2019-2020

Complete the U1/U2 Review on USATP (will be available from October 7th through October 20th)- Completing (80% or higher on each section) will raise your overall grade by one point

4th Quarter EC due Friday May 31st

Attend one of the following festivals and take your picture at it (Make sure that it is clear that you are at the event... background can't just be the sky or a wall)- submit your pictures to the Q4 EC assignment on Classroom (can go to up to two events for EC- 1 point on overall grade for each event)

April 7th: Clemson International Food Festival (Clemson)

April 7th: Shalom Fest @ Temple of Israel (Greenville)

April 27th : Greer International Festival (11am- 4pm) (Greer)

May 4th: AP Review Day (Greenville High) *I can reference the rosters for this- no picture needed

May 4th (after you go to review day!): Cinco de Mayo Festival (Spartanburg)

May 10th-12th: Artisphere (Downtown Greenville)-

May 16th-19th: Greek Festival (Downtown Greenville)

May 25th: Greenville Scottish Games (Furman)

Ongoing options:

Go to the Saturday Morning Market on Main Street (Any Saturday)

Go to Jamaica mi Irie on Main street and get a Ting (the drink they have in Cool Runnings!)

3rd Quarter EC (due midnight Sunday March 17th, 2019 to Google Classroom)

Pick any two articles from the National Geographic Future of Food special issue (the name is a link to it..) and write a one page (double spaced times new roman 12 pt normal margin) summary of EACH article (two pages total) You will receive two points on your overall grade. (completing just one summary will give you just one point EC..)


  1. A Five Step Plan to Feed the World

  2. The Next Breadbasket

  3. The New Face of Hunger

  4. The Evolution of Diet

  5. The Next Green Revolution

2nd Quarter Extra Credit (Due January 11th, 2019)

Completion of this assignment will add 1 point to your Q2 overall grade

Respond to the following question: Should the United States intervene in ethnic conflicts? Do we have a responsibility to send our military into places where ethnic cleansing and genocide are occurring?

Use page 261 in your textbook to get you started if you don't have an opinion.

Your response needs to be AT LEAST one page. It should be double spaced, and in Times New Roman 12 point font. Use at least one source IN ADDITION TO THE TEXTBOOK and have both the textbook and that source cited in MLA format on a separate page.

Submit to Google Classroom once completed.

3rd Quarter EC (due Friday March 15th to Google Classroom)

Pick any two articles from the National Geographic Future of Food special issue (the name is a link to it..) and write a one page (double spaced times new roman 12 pt normal margin) summary of EACH article (two pages total) You will receive two points on your overall grade. (completing just one summary will give you just one point EC..)


  1. A Five Step Plan to Feed the World

  2. The Next Breadbasket

  3. The New Face of Hunger

  4. The Evolution of Diet

  5. The Next Green Revolution

2nd Quarter Extra Credit (Due January 12th, 2018)

Completion of this assignment will add 1 point to your Q2 overall grade

Respond to the following question: Should the United States intervene in ethnic conflicts? Do we have a responsibility to send our military into places where ethnic cleansing and genocide are occurring?

Use page 261 in your textbook to get you started if you don't have an opinion.

Your response needs to be AT LEAST one page. It must be typed (I will not take hand written responses), double spaced, and in Times New Roman 12 point font. Use at least one source IN ADDITION TO THE TEXTBOOK and have that source cited in MLA format on a separate page.

1st Quarter Extra Credit (due October 19th):

Read the following article and watch the video clips attached to it

What will it take to make you care?

Answer the following in complete sentences. Responses must be typed and double spaced:

1.) How many children were killed in a week in Aleppo recently?

2.) How many people are trapped in the city of Aleppo?

3.) How many have been killed since 2011? What percentage of Syria's population is this? What percentage of South Carolina's population would it be?

4.) What is 7 year old Bana doing to raise awareness of the conflict and the struggles in Aleppo?

5.) Why do you think the government wants people to think Syria is safe and to do so made the tourism video?

6.) What do you believe prevents American's from caring deeply about this conflict? (Answer in at least a full paragraph)