Parent Information 

Helpful Parent Tools

Come to class everyday with materials needed for English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Read 180 Classes including a charged Chromebook and a willingness to learn!

General 6th-8th Grade

Notebook and Folder

Pencils with erasers

Ear buds or headphones

Orange, Yellow, Blue, and Green Highlighters

Study Guide-Homework Policy/Missed Work/Makeup Policy

1) Study guide/Homework is given to provide students with extra needed reinforcement to master topic concepts. All Study Guides/Homework assignments should be completed before the next class. Student's will make corrections to their homework as we go over them in class.

2) Students will have 1 day for each day they are absent up to 5 days to make up any missing work during an excused absence. Students need to schedule a time with the teacher to make up tests and quizzes before school starts or after school ends.

3) Student's need to check the appropriate class folder to receive a copy of all work that was missed during their absence. Google Classroom will be used to keep students up to date with all class assignments.

Classroom Rules for Behavior:

1. Enter the classroom on time and in an orderly manner and be prepared to learn.

2. Bring all materials to class.

3. Raise your hand to ask questions or get out of you seat.

4. Chromebooks are to be fully charged before class.

5. Chromebooks are to be used for Educational purposes only.

6. No talking in class without permission except during group work.

7. Be courteous: No disruptive, aggressive, disrespectful or distractive behavior that is counter-productive to the learning of others. Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself. No cursing or name calling, fighting or bullying towards classmates or teachers either spoken or posted on social media (Cyber Bullying) will be tolerated.

8. No gum chewing or eating in class.

9. No Running in Classroom or Hallways.

10. No CELL PHONES: All cell phones must be turned off and in your backpack by 8 am, and may not be used again until the end of the school day at 3:15 pm.

Consequences for violating rules:

1st offense: Paws Step

2nd offense: Paws Step / Parent Contact

3rd offense: Referral / Parent Contact

Severe disruptions or violations will be referred immediately to an administrator. Steps start over 2nd semester.