Law Education

Law Education Syllabus

The focus of our Law Education program is to educate students about the law that is of practical use in everyday life. This class is designed to provide the student with 

1.) an understanding of student's and others legal rights and responsibilities, 

2.) background knowledge of everyday legal problems faced by most people

3.) to develop the  ability to analyze, evaluate, and resolve legal disputes in the best way possible

4.) to understand their most basic rights and responsibilities under the law

To do this the Law Education  course will examine law in multiple facets, starting with an introduction to law and the legal system, discuss the US Constitution,  and do a brief overview of the difference between criminal and civil  law , business & contract law, business entities, tort law, and property law.


Social Studies Department Mission Statement: To foster in students a sense of citizenship, global awareness, and social responsibility.


Law Education Mission Statement: The mission of Law Education is to prepare students to think critically, to communicate effectively, to integrate knowledge from diverse sources, to know professional opinion while expressing their own ideas and positions through evidence based argumentation and persuasive writing.