Instructional Coaching

What is instructional coaching?

While there is no universal definition for instructional coaches, definitions typically focus on an experienced teacher leader assisting a colleague as they attempt to incorporate best instructional practices into the classroom teachers’ repertoire (Denton & Hasbrouck, 2009; Kowal & Steiner, 2007). Simply put, instructional coaches work with teachers to improve their teaching practice with the goal of ultimately improving student achievement.

My philosophy of coaching

I believe that teachers have one of the most important jobs in the world, and also at times, one of the most difficult. Teaching can be challenging and sometimes stressful, and I am here to support teachers! My goal in coaching is to help and encourage teachers so that they can in turn help students achieve to their greatest potential. I believe that as educators we are always learning and that coaching is a great resource for all teachers. Coaches are not evaluators, but are co-learners and collaborators with teachers. I look forward to working with you all as we learn together!