
Dear Parents:

Another school year has begun and many exciting things are in store for your child. I have two important goals for fifth graders. First, is for them to learn to assume responsibility for their learning and behavior; and second, is for them to develop organizational skills. I would like to clarify some details of our daily routine as a means to increase your child's responsibility. These are important for your child's success this school year.

Class Rules

1. Be Punctual – Arrive to class on time and be ready to learn when class begins.

2. Be Prepared – Bring all of the required materials and assignments to class.

3. Be Positive – Have a good attitude and allow the teacher to teach and other students to learn.

4. Be Present – Stay focused and attentive to the class activity.

5. Be Polite – Treat other students, teachers, and school property with respect and kindness.

Parent Communication

If questions arise, please send me a note with your child, email me at or call me at the school (355-7237). Thank you so much for your support! I believe a student is much more successful when there is open communication between the parents and teacher. I look forward to a great year!