Virtual Expectations

*Below is a District and School policy regarding eLearning and Virtual School.


Chromebooks are used at Southside. All students should make themselves familiar with the following:

  • accessing the microphone and camera on their device (phones are NOT the form used for online learning)

  • dependable wireless connection

  • Google Chrome as a browser.


Online assignments and materials are given the same grade weightings as the brick and mortar students.


Virtual SHS: Students are expected to participate in VirtualSHS as often as you participate in face-to-face school. Attendance 0, 1, 2, or 5 days a week: Students are required to login and work every day unless pre-arranged and approved by the teacher. If the student is sick and unable to log in due to illness, a parent email or phone call to the teacher will count as contact.

  • Attendance, whether virtual or in person, will be taken daily. All students must participate daily.

  • If a student is unable to attend eLearning or Virtual Program, they will need to provide the school with a medical note or parent note. This includes but is not limited to Google Meets, assignments, etc.

  • Students are expected to respond to all communication with teachers, whether it is a poll, google form, email, google meet,etc.or they will be marked absent

  • After two days of not participating, students and/or their parents will be contacted by your teacher followed by an administrator.

  • Students will follow the regular bell schedule and login to your classes during the appropriate time.

GCVS Intellectual Honesty and Plagiarism Expectations:

Students are expected to do their OWN work at ALL times. Any acts of intellectual dishonesty, such as having someone else complete work, or plagiarizing a source will not be tolerated. On the first infraction, the student may receive a 0 on the assignment and the teacher will notify the student, parent, and home school via email, informing them that if the student plagiarizes again.

Copy of 20-21 Intellectual Integrity