Fisher Middle School

Q: How do I apply?   

A: Go to the Fisher front office and fill out a one-page application

Fisher Middle Open Houses: 

November 2, 5:30-7:00 p.m.

November 9, 5:30-7:00 p.m.

For Students Applying to Dr. Phinnize J. Fisher Middle School

The process for applying to Fisher Middle School is identical to the process for applying to other schools through Change in Assignment Choice (see below); there are no special steps for A.J. Whittenberg students.  A.J. Whittenberg students do, however, get priority at Fisher over other GCS students; it is very important, however, that the application for Change in Assignment Choice be turned in at Fisher by December 1, 2023.  The Change in Assignment Choice application asks for your child's elementary school, so they will know that your child is an A.J.W. student. Typically, A.J.W. students who apply during the lottery window are admitted to Fisher.

Important Dates for Change in Assignment Choice

November 13, 2023: The Change in Assignment Choice lottery window begins. 

December 1, 2023: The Change in Assignment Choice lottery window ends. 

February 7, 2024 : GCS will have posted the lottery results to its website. 

March 29, 2024: GCS will have mailed notification letters to inform parents if their student received a slot at a requested school or was placed on the waitlist. 

How do I apply?

Do A.J. Whittenberg Students Have Priority at Fisher?

Fisher has a priority list for assigning slots at their school, according to the following groups. Groups higher on the list have a better chance of getting a slot at Fisher: