
Dream Big, Work Hard, Be Honest, Laugh-out-Loud, Make a Difference!

Remember Hard work Always pays off!!

All students can learn.

Students have the responsibility to be active learners, to achieve their academic potential, and be successful as adults.

Students are valued individuals with unique intellectual, social, emotional, and physical needs.

Students learn best in a safe and secure setting, nurtured by competent teachers, administrators, parents and guardians.

Parents and guardians are a vital part of a child's educational success.

Diversity is the "spice of life" and the strength of our schools, and nation. Respect for diversity is a strength that builds bridges between people.

Curriculum and instruction should vary to meet the needs of each student.

Our volunteer system is a strength that epitomizes the example we what our children to emulate as they become active members of our society.

Education is the shared responsibility of home, school, and community to promote competent, lifelong learners who are productive, participating members of society.

Leave people with a smile of encouragement and a kind word. People are always told when they are "doing it wrong", instead let them know when they are "doing it right"!

Prepare the child for the path, NOT the path for the child.

Dream Big, Work Hard, Laugh out Loud, Be Honest, Make a Difference!