


Room: C135

Contact info:  355-2870




Course Description:


United States Government is a core course required for graduation and must be taken in the eleventh or twelfth grade year.  This instructional planning guide is based on South Carolina Academic Standards.  The standards may be taught as a ½ or 1 unit course.




Unit 1: Introduction to Government           

8-10 days

Unit Essential Question: How and why did government develop, and how do    different types of government compare?


Unit 2: The Foundations of the American Republic and the US Constitution

8-10 days

Unit Essential Question: What were the major concepts incorporated into the US

Constitution and the American political system?


Unit 3: Amendments to the Constitution and Civil Rights                                    

11-13 days

Unit Essential Question: What are the major civil rights and responsibilities given to 

and required of American citizens?



Unit 4: Political Parties and Elections                                                                     

10-12 days

Unit Essential Question: What are the major ways in which US citizens can participate in the political process, and why does that participation appear

to be on the decline?


Unit 5: Public Opinion, Media, and Interest Groups                                             

8-10 days

Unit Essential Question: How do interest groups, the media, and personal influences

 affect citizens’ views and actions on political issues and policy?


Unit 6: The Legislative Branch                                                                                

8-10 days

Unit Essential Question: How does the legislative process work, and what are the

similarities and differences in the process as it exists in the 

House of Representatives and the Senate?


Unit 7: The Executive Branch and Foreign Policy                                    

9-11 days

Unit Essential Question: What are the major roles and powers of the President, and

how does the President/Executive Branch create and carry 

out foreign policy?


Unit 8: The Judicial Branch and the Supreme Court                                           

6-8 days

Unit Essential Question: What are the structures, jurisdictions, and workings of the 

Federal Judiciary, particularly as they relate to the Supreme Court?


Unit 9: State and Local Government                                                                      

5-7 days

Unit Essential Question: How are the organization, powers, and responsibilities of

local and state governments similar and different from those of the national government?



Major Grades - 60%

Minor Grades - 40%

Final Exam: 10% (per district requirement)


Required Materials:

·         3 ring binder 

·         Pen/Pencil 

·         Paper 

·         Textbook

Video Viewing List:



Make-up Work Policy

Late Work Policy

Teachers reserve the right to alter this policy based on extenuating circumstances.  Extenuating circumstances should be discussed with the administration.

Classroom Rules:

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