

Coach Maholtz


Room #—C135

Contact Phone #- 355-2870

Email Address



Course Description:

 Economics provides a study of the overall economy including both macroeconomics and microeconomics.  Students will focus on topics such as money and banking, competition, supply and demand, factors of production, consumer rights and responsibilities, and personal financial literacy.  Economics is required for graduation.


Course Text:




Major Grades - 60%

Minor Grades 40%

Final Exam: 10% (per district requirement)


Projects: (Due Dates to be Announced)

·         Personal Budget 

·         Career and Budget  

·         Entrepreneurship


Required Materials:

·         3 ring binder 

·         Pen/Pencil 

·         Paper 

·         Textbook

Video Viewing List:


Make-up Work Policy

Late Work Policy

Teachers reserve the right to alter this policy based on extenuating circumstances.  Extenuating circumstances should be discussed with the administration.


Classroom Rules:




Course Outline:

-What is Economics? (1 week)

-Economic Systems (1 week)

-Forms of Business Organizations (1 week)

-What is Demand? (1 week)

-What is Supply? (1 week)

-Supply and Demand (1 week)

-Competition and Market Structures (1 week)

-Financial Markets (1 week)

-Employment, Labor, and Wages (1 week)

-Sources of Government Revenue (1 week)

-Government Spending (1 week)

-Business Cycles and Fluctuations (1 week)

-The Federal Reserve & Monetary Policy (1 week)

-International Trade (1 week)

- Personal Finance Unit (2 weeks)

- Course Review (1 week)