12th Grade Information

A Note from your Counselors:

As your senior counselors, one of our goals is to be an advocate for each of you and help you to reach your personal goals this year and after graduation.  Whether that next step be a 2-year college, a 4-year university, the military, or straight to the workforce, our role is to help each of you get there.  We aim to work collaboratively with parents, faculty, administrators, as well as community members to prepare and equip each of you to reach your future goals.  We are more than excited to work with each of you!


Mr. Loaiza, Mrs. Negoski, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Martinez, & Mrs. Cabrera

Senior Info & Calendar

SAT and ACT Information

You must sign up and register on the official ACT or SAT websites. Please come see your counselor to see if you qualify for a fee waiver.

How to Prepare for the ACT and SAT



Oct - Dec


April- June