Mrs. Barrington's 5th Grade Class

ELearning Information:

Virtual Office Hours: 7:45am - 2:45pm

*We will be readily checking emails during school hours over these ten days. While we may not return an email sent during these hours immediately, we will return your email by the end of the school day.


Classroom Phone Number: 355-3230

My name is Caroline Barrington, and I am excited to be teaching for my 7th year at Sara Collins! I graduated from Furman University in 2013 with a degree in Elementary Education, and received my masters in Early Childhood from Furman in 2014. My husband, Jonathan, and I have a daughter named Helen who will be 2 in November and are excited to welcome our second baby this November. I cannot wait to learn and grow together this year. Hold on tight; it's going to be quite a ride!

Contact Information

I am here to help!

Please email me with questions, comments, or concerns.

I am available for conferences after school at request.

eLearning Day 1- Day 10.pdf