Class Behavior Plan

Our class will spend an extensive amount of time discussing our classroom rules throughout the school year. All students are expected to follow our classroom rules so that we can maximize learning.


1. Raise your hand to speak.

2. Keep hands and feet to yourself.

3. Follow directions the first time they are given.

4. No running in the halls. 

5. Clean up!  Take care of our school, classroom, and materials. 

6. Be kind to everyone.

I use Conscious Discipline in my classroom to foster children's' emotional development.  We work together in all aspects of our classroom because we are a “class family.” It is important for students to understand that we love and support each other.  The children will be actively involved in solving many of the day-to-day problems we encounter in our classroom. 

Your child will be allowed to make reasonable and safe choices and decisions about their experiences in the classroom. Allowing your child to make these decisions will provide him or her with confidence needed to succeed in life. If your child does not choose to work within reasonable choices, then natural and logical consequences will be applied.

Throughout the week, each child will receive a “good” note.  We will celebrate this note at the end of each day.  A child may receive a good note for being a good friend, striving throughout the school day, making a personal gain, etc.

I will call or send a note if we have any issues at school. I prefer to handle behavior at school, but if parents need to be involved I will certainly reach out. I believe in open communication between teacher and parents, so don't ever hesitate to contact me with questions. We are a team!

 Please remember during the course of the year it is completely normal for all students to have good days and some days that are not as good :)