Other Fun Solar Eclipse Activities

These are EXTRA Solar Eclipse Activities for You to Enjoy on April 8th

Video for K5, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade

Additional Video for 3rd and 4th

Eclipse Read Aloud for All Grades


Solar Eclipse - An eclipse where the sun is blocked by the moon

Star - a giant ball of hot gases that gives off light and heat (the sun is a star)

Planet - a large object that orbits around a star, like the Earth orbits around the sun

Umbra -  Full Shadow the darkest part of the moon's shadow, casting complete darkness during a total eclipse

Penumbra - A lighter part of the moon's shadow, creating a partial eclipse with reduced sunlight but not total darkness

Totality - The duration of total obstruction during the eclipse

Path of totality - The path traced on the Earth's surface by the moon's shadow (more precisely, the umbra) during a total eclipse of the sun. 

Corona - the outer atmosphere of the sun or another star