About Me

Get Excited for STEAM!

My name is Lorian Norris and this is my 6th year at Buena Vista and third year in the STEAM lab. I have an engineering degree from Clemson University and worked in the field for 8 years. When my family moved back to South Carolina I switched gears to education. My husband and I have three daughters who keep us busy with cross country and track and field. Our two oldest daughters are at Clemson! Go, Tigers! We also have a dog named Charlie.

I am one of the few (if not only) staff members in the school that will be thrilled to receive empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls from students! We are going to learn all about the engineering process. We are going to imagine, create, and most importantly reflect on our projects. When things don't work out the way we planned we will examine the pluses and minuses, make changes, and try again!