Links for students

Here is a list of endangered animals. Please choose one and read more about it in Britannica.

Blue Fin Tuna




Red panda


Think like an editor. Use these questions to help decide if the website is credible or not.

1. Who made the website? Are they experts about this topic? Does their education prove this?

2. What facts are accurate? Can you check them?

3. Where is it hosted? .gov .com .biz .edu .org .net

4. When was it made or updated? If it is older, does that matter?

5. Why was this website made? Was it made to inform, to entertain, to persuade or to get you to buy or do something?

Trying to think through a problem? This digital web making tool might assist you.

Some of these additional links should be helpful to you. If you learn of others, please share them with Mr. Kendrick.

  1. Soundzabound provides royalty free music for schools to use. Mr. Kendrick can provide the username and password.

  2. Discovery Education provides some great clipart.

  3. Photos for Class is a web site that allows you to access properly attributed photos to use for school.

  4. EasyBib is a web site that allows you to quickly and easily cite 59 different types of resources.

  5. Citation Machine can also help you cite resources.