Presentation of Rules and Procedures:

Students will be given a thorough description of all rules/consequences and procedures the first day of class. The essential agreements are posted on the gym wall where students and visitors can see.

Physical Education Essential Agreements: Rules for Student Behavior:

1) Enter and exit the gym quietly

2) Follow directions, start and stop on teacher cues (whistle, voice, music)

3) Be respectful to others, the equipment and yourself

4) Raise your hand to share ideas

5) Wear your athletic shoes

6) Try your hardest, never quit

7) Play safely

Above are the rules for student behavior, which are posted on the gym wall. Other rules discussed: keep hands and feet to self, do not touch the gym walls, good sportsmanship throughout the class, report all injuries to teacher, and participate in all activities.

*To sit out: Students MUST have a doctor’s note OR they are not wearing athletic shoes.

Individual Plan:

Warning: A student not following the rules will be spoken to, given a warning and reminded of the rule he/she is not following. (Student will lose one point (M) on daily grade)

Time Out/Cool Off : If the negative behavior continues, the student will receive strike two and will be placed in time out by the gym wall for 0ne to five minutes depending on the behavior. (Student will lose their second point (P) on their daily grade)

You’re Out: If the negative behavior continues, the student will receive their third strike and will sit out the rest of the class. The students will be given a worksheet that meets their grade level in difficulty. The worksheet will have ten to twenty math problems for the student to complete. All math problems must be complete as well as 80% correct to join the class the following week. (Student will lose their third point (L) on their daily grade

Finally, if the negative behavior continues, the student will be sent to the Assistant Principal. The teacher will call home to the parent to discuss solutions. Any severe disruption will result in an immediate referral to the office. After a student receives three strikes in three different classes the student will be placed on a behavior management plan.

Whole Class Plan:

Warning: The class will be given a warning and a quick reminder of the rules/expectations of the gym. (Clip down on My Choice behavior chart)

Redirect: If the negative class behavior continues, the whole class will stop what they are doing and meet the teacher in the circle to discuss the problem. Teacher/Class discussion of the rules/expectations will be gone over at this point. The class will resume activity when they show and understand of class expectations. (Clip down on My Choice behavior chart)