
2024-2025 School Year

2024-2025 Collaboration Days: Both PMA & IMA have a lesson and complete engaging hands-on activity in mixed groups of 1st-4th graders. Collaboration days occur once a quarter.

Q1: Coming Soon!

Q2: To Be Announced

Q3: To Be Announced

Q4: 3rd Annual House Cup in May 2025

2024-2025 Multiage Field Trips: Both PMA & IMA go on a field trip together. Our goal is to have at least one multiage field trip per year.

1st Semester

To Be Announced

2nd Semester

To Be Announced

2024-2025 Multiage Quarterly House Winners: Based on daily accumulated points between the separate PMA & IMA classrooms for each quarter. Students are assigned house points when they model any of the house attributes: leadership, creativity, kindness, and determination. 

Q1: To Be Announced

Q2: To Be Announced

Q3: To Be Announced

Q4: To Be Announced

2024-2025 Multiage House Cup Winner: This annual winner is based on the overall scores from 4 challenges that are designed to reflect the house attributes: leadership, creativity, kindness, and determination. The house cup is in May.

2025 House Cup Winners
...Will Be Determined May 2025!

2023-2024 School Year

2023-2024 Collaboration Days: Both PMA & IMA have a lesson and complete engaging hands-on activity in mixed groups of 1st-4th graders. Collaboration days occur once a quarter.

Q1: Designing protective casings for pumpkins from a long drop.

Q2: Constructing gingerbread houses with repeated patterns.

Q3: Collecting data from Skittles & designing various graphs.

Q4: 2nd Annual House Cup on May 17th, 2024

2023-2024 Multiage Field Trips: Both PMA & IMA go on a field trip together. Our goal is to have at least one multiage field trip per year, but this year we squeezed in one per semester!

Greenville Zoo

October 25, 2024

Play at Wade Hampton High School

April 12, 2024

2023-2024 Multiage Quarterly House Winners: Based on daily accumulated points between the separate PMA & IMA classrooms for each quarter. Students are assigned house points when they model any of the house attributes: leadership, creativity, kindness, and determination. 

Q1: Roosevelt

Q2: Mandela

Q3: Kahlo

Q4: Edison

2023-2024 Multiage House Cup Winner: This annual winner is based on the overall scores from 4 challenges that are designed to reflect the house attributes: leadership, creativity, kindness, and determination. The house cup is in May.

2024 House Cup Winners ...KAHLO!

2022-2023 School Year

2022-2023 Collaboration Days: Both PMA & IMA have a lesson and complete engaging hands-on activity in mixed groups of 1st-4th graders. Collaboration days occur once a quarter.

Q1: Creating instruments out of house materials and creating a song as a group.

Q2: Assembling sundials and collecting live data of time to analyze the shadows. 

Q3: Generating and presenting persuasive reasons and products on which is the "best" house.

Q4: 1st Annual House Cup 

2022-2023 Multiage Quarterly House Winners: Based on daily accumulated points between the separate PMA & IMA classrooms for each quarter. Students are assigned house points when they model any of the house attributes: leadership, creativity, kindness, and determination. 

Q1: Kahlo

Q2: Roosevelt

Q3: Edison

Q4: Mandela

2022-2023 Multiage House Cup Winner: This annual winner is based on the overall scores from 4 challenges that are designed to reflect the house attributes: leadership, creativity, kindness, and determination. The house cup is in May.

2023 House Cup Winners ...EDISON!