
My contact with you may be somewhat limited due to the size of my classes and my schedule, but please feel free to call, e-mail, or set a conference at your convenience. I am always happy to discuss a student's progress at the behest of a parent, however, I do expect the students to fulfill the responsibility of keeping their parents informed of their progress between reports home. Should you have any concerns, whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact me immediately. Every parent also has a standing invitation to visit any of my classes, so do feel free to drop by the office, pick up a visitor tag, and drop in, when our schedule will permit it. I hope all of my parents will take advantage of the Backpack Portal to track their student's grades, and please address any concerns or questions to me.

You are also invited to join your student's Google Classroom for their subject, as it will have updated information and copies of handouts.