
World Geography Welcome Letter.docx

Important Information

The grading scale is that set by the Greenville County School District:

Grading: A= 100-90; B= 89-80; C= 79-70; D= 69-76; F= 59-Below

Late Work Policies:

Honors Work Policy:

Minor Assignments:

One day late: 75

Two days late: 50

Students can make up all assignments for a 50 until the end of the Unit

Major Assignments:

10 points off for each day it is late

Students can complete the assignment after the third late day for a maximum of a 60 until a week prior before grades are due.

CP Work Policy:

Minor Assignments:

10 points off for each day it is late.

Students can complete assignments through the end of the unit for a maximum of a 60.

Major Assignments:

10 points off for each day it is late

Students can complete the assignment after the third late day for a maximum of a 60 until a week prior before grades are due.