About Me


Welcome to my website. I'm looking forward to starting a new year at Berea High School. This is my 18th year in education, and I plan to continue supporting students in their transition to high school.

I hope to keep in contact with you through the use of planners, notes, phone calls, and conferences. This will help keep both you and me informed on student progress. I hope to make it a great school year, and please feel free to call me through my school number.

I graduated from Winthrop University with a bachelors in special education, and I was originally a Visual Arts Major before changing to education. You can check out some of my work below! Currently, I live with my Identical twin sister. We have 2 cats, Joey and JazzMan. Both fur babies are soon to be 16 years old, and they are the best of friends. You can also see pictures of them below. 

When I'm not spending time with my animals, I can be found hiking, driving around on backroads, or hanging out at a local coffee shop reading or checking emails. 

I'm glad that you've visited my website, and I'm looking forward to the 2023-2024 school year.