Large Group Game Ideas

Nitro Ball for Volleyball Lead Up Game

Uploaded March 18, 2022 Team Ball Tag

Dance this or that Tabata Uploaded Jan. 21, 2022

How To Play GaGa Ball uploaded Nov. 18, 2021

Kids workout video number 2 uploaded 3.15.2021

SEL Book Read Aloud Uploaded 3.5.2021

Large Group Game Ideas

Dead Bug Tag Purpose to get lots of kids moving and letting different students be taggers and including all kids

If you have two classes give out 4 wands (half cut pool noodles) The exterminators get their exterminators liscense ( I act like I am giving them their card that certifies them as an exterminator) and then they are given the go signal. When the go signal has been given kids can go and try to softly tag friends in the PE space on the back or the arm. The person that gets tagged lays on their back with their feet and arms sitcking straight up in the air. 

As the other kids move around the space they attach to each appendage - one arm , one leg until four different students are connected to the DEAD BUG. The the children touching the dead bug say "Get UP DEAD BUG" and then they keep on playing. After some warm up time and stretching we play this for about 20 min. I change taggers every two minutes so different people get to be taggers. 

More Games will be Uploaded at a later Date. 

P is for Palmetto uploaded 3.2.2021

Intense Soccer Warm up without a Ball Uploaded 3.9.2021

Pokemon Workout video uploaded 8.31.2022

Locomotor pathways and levels.