Projects & Events

We've Joined the National Climate League!

How does Richmond stack up to its peers on the indicators below? What can we learn from cities that are leading the country?

From August 15th to October 31st, the National Climate League invites you to send your town/city councillor a quick message (like this example) asking that their staff submit the data that matters most to you!

The 2018 National Climate League have been standings have been published at in December 2018.

  • (Note only Vancouver and Burnaby participated in this initial round).

The Climate Reality Project Canada will be publishing yearly snapshots of where cities in Canada are on climate action which is exciting and most importantly, citizen driven, citizen science, citizen led.

Municipal officials can enter data at

We need as many people participating in this aspect as possible. Visit for more details.

The following glossary of indicators is a screenshot from the preliminary NCL report available here.