Planning Guide

This section is intended to help you plan what you are going to do during your first year after Green School and how you are going to fund it. Follow all of the steps and you should be on your way to a great first year outside the bamboo bubble!

Gap Year Questionnaire

Step 1

Do some self-work by filling out this form around your initial intentions about your gap year


Step 2

Ask yourself:

What do I value?

Step 3

Ask yourself:

What do I want out of my career (long term) and gap year (short term)

Step 4

Brainstorm! Look at all of the options that are on this site and use them to check out organizations that you could reach out to directly

Step 5

Choose where you want to spend your gap year and research the visa options for working/internships/volunteering in that place (or those places)


Step 6

Make a few different potential plans using a printable calendar. It's easier to visualize on paper.

(At this stage you should also be reach out to connections of family/friends/Green School to see if there are options that interest you)

Step 7

Determine your budget for each of the phases of your year (income making or income spending).

(resources coming for this)

Step 8

Work on your resume/CV/portfolio for the application process.

Step 9

Find contacts and apply to all of the options for at least two plans (i.e. one year where you are working in an office in Finland, and one year where you split your time between volunteering in Canada and trekking in Nepal).

Just like with college/university, you should have multiple options.

This stage will take the longest, so start early.