Grade 5 Art

Scroll down the page to view all the different Art Projects

A Selection of Clay Tortoises

South African Birds (mixed media)

Alexandra Goosen

Amaarah Emeran

Azari Moodley

Charlene Moyo

Charlotte Kruyt

Clara Schuster

Emma Mountford

Gabriella Majiet

Inathi Mtati

Jaimi Stougie

Katelyn Henshilwood

Kaylin Venter

Laila Haralambous

Larissa Mutombo

Lathitha Mehlomakulu

Maya Michel

Mikah Campher

Milla-Casey Masson

Minu Nahrwar

Misha Abdullah

Olivia Ansell

Paige Hall

Pamelia Mwamba Kabela

Phoebe Madonko

Sakeena Jhaveri

Scarlet du Plessis

Zahia Cassim

Zara Douglas Jones

Zoe Hattingh

Recycled Scarecrows for the Vegetable Gardens