Our Mission

The Transitions Program at the School District of Greenfield is an innovative, adult-centered community program through a collaborative approach that prepares students for adulthood success while promoting opportunities for independence in the areas of: self-advocacy, employment, post-secondary education and training, independent living skills, and community access.

Contact Us:

Director of Special Education

Rebecca Stoltz - (414) 855 2046 rstoltz@greenfield.k12.wi.us

Elementary Services

Diane Eckes - (414) 281 5750 deckes@greenfield.k12.wi.us

Chelsea Wroblewski - (414) 281 5750


6-8 Services

Michele Holly - (414) 282 4700 mholly@greenfield.k12.wi.us

9-12 Services

Cindy Sibley - (414) 281 6200 csibley@greenfield.k12.wi.us