Adult Day Services

"St. Coletta offers a range of vocational and day programs that focus on the roles that education, employment, and training play in fostering independence and the development of a meaningful life. All of our day programs are open to both residential and non-residential clients, and some choose to customize their schedules by dividing their day between programs."

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services has put together a public directory of local facilities that have available day services for adults with special needs. Please use this resource to locate a place near you.

"The Adult Day Services of Southeast Wisconsin, where we provide individuals who have disabilities the experiences necessary to develop independence and increase self-esteem. Our programs provide a positive and structured environment focusing on socialization, community access, volunteering, educational opportunities, music, art, and a variety of recreational activities."

There are various other adult day services that have resources available. Use this handy map to locate one close to you!

Day Program Search MKE.pdf