WOW Wednesday

Welcome to WOW Wednesdays!

Wednesdays are going to be all about finding the things in your house and in the world that make us say WOW! as well as challenging and pushing yourself to see what you can do!

You might already know that STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) is the coolest, but if you don’t, you’re about to find out! Each Wednesday, we’re going to highlight a challenge or activity that makes you say WOW about the world. We also hope the activities push you to think about something in a way you maybe never thought about it before. We’ll also ask you to share what you create with others so that we can stay connect-ED over the summer!

Let the challenges begin!!

Below you will find this weeks challenge and videos for you to use as a reference. Take pictures or videos of your attempt and we will tell you how to submit them for next week !

Have you ever thought about what creates all of the computer programs you use on your Chromebook, phone, or video game console?

Today, you’re going to learn some of the basics of computer coding yourself!

WOW Wednesday - Week 7